Sunday, July 28, 2013

More photos, courtesy of Brian Moore

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

   Vernonville Community Centre was the location for our third Cowey Cowie Reunion. It was a beautiful day. Most attendees enjoyed sitting outside under the canopies.
    Special thanks to Donna Smith who stayed with us for most of the afternoon to ensure that we were able to make use of all that the Hall had to offer.
    Thanks must also go to Len Vivian who brought another bag of albums containing photos and newspaper clippings to add to our growing archive.
     A CoweyCowie Booklet, containing 340 + pages of photos, letters, deeds, wills, and stories about the Cowey/Cowie families was offered as a draw prize with the proceeds going towards the cost of the next Reunion. This booklet was won by Josh Franken.
      We welcomed new attendees. Jack Cuffe, descended from James Cowey, Randy Wilson, descended from James Cowey, and his mother Donna Brown.