Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Reunion cudos

The Family cannot thank Nancy enough. With the passing of her sister, Elma, it was a difficult week for her. Yet, Nancy was there to help bring this Reunion to a wonderful gathering. With the help of her son, Shane, and Shane's wife, Nicole, this Reunion happened.
Barbara (Cowey) Clements took charge of the registration.Barbara helped with the family poster displays. Her hobby is photo restoration. Beyond my comprehension.
Our cousin, Ray Savage (an honourary Cowey), from the UK., jumped into helping out, wherever.
Neil Broomfield's excellent Family Chart, which must now extend 40 feet, or more, is something other Families should consider. Awesome. Barb and I screwed up the colours. You had to be there.
Art Broomfield attended with artifacts that astounded us all. The letters to Mary (Cowey) Broomfield, from her lawyer. But the entry in the tiny "Psalm " book left us speechless. Barbara scanned the tiny entry and I will post it on this blog soon. I'm on dial up, so takes a while.
There were several descendants at this Reunion who did not attend the first. The Nielsens, Mae (Cowey)'s children, Sylvia, Erik, his partner Moira, and her grandchildren, William and his wife, Karin, and Viktoria.
The Buchhorns, from Sydney, Australia, also attended. Cindy (nee Cowey) and her husband, Peter, and their 2 children, Andrew and Emily, enjoyed the day meeting members of the Family.
Audrey (Cowey) Sybers, and Marion Cowey also attended for the first time, with their husbands. They are the children of John Nelson Cowey and Myrtle Smith. They also brought photos. All, a treasure. Audrey's daughter, Debbie, attended, and brought photos. Her grandaughter also attended with her son.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

photos July 4th, 2010

July 4th, 2010, 170 years later

The 2010 Cowey/Cowie Reunion , held at Harwood, Ontario, was a triumph. We were able to gather once again. That this was the 2nd Reunion, I am pleased with the support that John and Jane's descendants have given to the idea of preserving their memory.
We have lost loved ones this past year, but we have also welcomed new members born to the Family. I plan to provide the news on this blog.
So many thanks must go to several people that helped make this Reunion so special: Nancy Gibson, Shane Gibson, Nicole Gibson, Neil Broomfield, Barbara Clements, Rachael Clements, Heather Jay, Len Vivian, and Art Broomfield.
In the following blogs I will explain each of their contributions.
I would also like to suggest what we could add to our "Family Museum Display". I hope this was a highlight of the Reunion. Space must be provided for these displays at each Reunion.